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5-5-16 Newsletter


Mr. & Mrs. Glen Wilson spoke with the Club this morning about their organization, Communities First, Incorporated, a 5 ½-year-old non-profit “real estate redevelopment” venture. Its four-fold focus consists of:

  • (A) Affordable Housing (limiting costs to no more than 30% of residents’ income),
  • (B) Economic Development in the community (influx of $15M and 200 jobs to date),
  • (C) “Green” Technologies and Practices (the only “Sustainable Performance Institution” certification in the State), and
  • (D) Culture and Arts Exposure & Connection.

Their Swayze Court and Oak Street Senior Apartment residential housing projects have made dramatic positive impact in the downtown area of Flint, and such programs as “Movies Under the Stars” and “A Taste of Culture” have brought thousands of people into areas and experiences to which they may not otherwise have been exposed. Atwood Stadium will be the site of a major family oriented event on 6-24-16, yet to be formally announced. (Watch for it! Or check out their communitiesfirstinc.org website and Facebook pages.)

President Jeff Dennings succumbed to the pressure of “clock Nazis” to ring in the 19-person meeting at the appropriate time, asking Steve Schlott to lead in the Pledge and Ken Cullen to deliver the invocation. The fines began with Pete Venos paying for the President’s choice of having an audible “grace”, followed by Floyd Olmstead paying for failure to shake all his fellow members’ hands, the Northerly table for scaring off Dan Crannie and throwing him over for Kim Banat, and Mic Goulet’s fine against anyone who didn’t match his 21-ticket figures. As the activities degenerated, Bill Hentgen fined the President for losing control of the meeting, and all who did not attend the “Respect for Law” luncheon earlier this week also paid their dues. Joe Bushey again took the 50/50 pot (!) and Ron Ballard introduced the day’s guest speakers. (President Jeff has this responsibility next week.)


Bill Hentgen reported that, “as of yesterday”, the Club had generated $495 for the coffers and stands to make up to $850, when and if all the tickets and money are turned in from the Masonic Temple Chicken Dinner fundraiser (HINT!).

Club sponsored new JOOI Club at Swartz Creek High School is today in Rm. 509.

Board Meeting at The Bridge, 6 p.m. on May 12.

Whaley’s “Tux & Tennies Gala & Auction” is set for 5:30-11:30 p.m. on May 14 at Grand Blanc Motorcar.

Special Olympics Softball Throw (otherwise known as “Wear-Your-Cup-Day”) is May 20.

Swartz Creek Hometown Days  from June 2-5 (Club has a table reserved in the vendor  tent. Art Ridley has made his barn available for parking, and tickets for the “31-Day Raffle” are waiting to be sold as part of this event. See Jeff Dennings about this, and SELL!)

Walt Widder Memorial Golf Scramble at Dutch Hollow in Durand on Saturday, September 24. (Proceeds to the Club; Posters and team registration forms available)

“$5K Raffle, 30th Anniversary” is scheduled for Atlas Valley on October 27, 2016.

Until next time,

“Promise Yourself…”

Greg Hilliker