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Jeff Dennings

Jeff Dennings

Senior Business Analyst Manager & SEO

I first learned about Optimist Clubs when I was invited to be a speaker at the Optimist Club of Downtown Flint. My wife and I have adopted four older children and three of them were from Whaley Children’s Center in Flint, MI. I was asked to speak about my experiences as a special needs adoptive parent.I really have some good stories. Everyday is a new adventure at our house. At the end of the meeting I was presented with a picture frame that contained the Optimist Creed. As I read the creed, I really thought “Wow that is me!”

I joined the Optimist Club of West Flint in 2013. I have served as a Board Member, Vice President, President and Secretary and I am currently in line to be the Lieutenant Governor of Zone 9 Michigan District Optimist next year. I was recently asked what is it that I look forward to doing as Lt. Governor. My answer was simply “Getting all clubs excited about spreading optimism.” My club and all clubs need to recruit new members, look for ways to improve our fund raising programs and maybe even adopt new ideas. It is no longer an option for our Optimist Clubs to remain status quo.

Please feel free to contact me about Optimism or any  thing for that matter.

Dave Crabill

Dave Crabill

Owner, Eclectic Sales and Creative Marketing

Dave joined the West Flint Optimist Club in 2000 and has served as President twice and Lt. Governor of Zone 9 twice.

In 2009 Dave started his own marketing agency, Eclectic Sales & Creative Marketing, LLC. Small, independent business owners is who they primarily serve. Dave is accustomed to keeping costs low and exceeding expectations.

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Eclectic Sales & Creative Marketing, LLC