Meeting Notes

After a resounding round of applause our Speaker Chair, Mic Goulet, introduced Linda Moxam. She is the Director of Development and Alumni Relations for the University of Michigan – Flint.

Linda’s first order of business was to thank our club for the scholarships we provide each year to deserving students. Her gratitude was followed by some history of the institution from 1952 right up to today. She handed out a very interesting factoid which you can access by clicking here.

Linda also informed us about the University’s outreach into the surrounding communities including a summer program for kids. Information about the programs can be found at On Tuesday, June 23rd they will host a Graduate Programs Open House for K-12 Educators.

Linda ended the meeting with a joke that she wrote down so she wouldn’t forget it. We are hoping that Jim Harbaugh will help the joke not so true. Reminder this is only a joke so don’t hold it against Linda. Here it is: “Question: How do you make U of M cookies? Answer: You put them in a bowl and beat them for three hours.” Even with the bad joke Linda, we hope you’ll come visit us again.

Jeff Dennings opened our meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and Lynn Eastman led us in a prayer. The crown normally worn by our queen had to be auctioned off in her absence. Ken Cullen was able to gain the advantage in fines against the rest of us for only a $1 bid. This is mainly because the rest of us were still waking up during the time of the auction.

Lots of ticket stubs were turned in for our 31 Day Raffle. Please turn the stubs in as you sell the tickets and more importantly get more tickets to sell if you have sold out or are close to selling out. Contact Jeff Dennings if you don’t have a packet of tickets.

We still need more volunteers for the Swartz Creek Hometown Days. Click here to sign up online.

Optimist International Leadership Summit will be held on June 13th.

Due to the lack of an official board meeting this month, we did conduct one minor detail of business at our meeting this morning. We voted to continue the support of the Boys & Girls Club Youth Appreciation Award. You can learn more information about the Boys and Girls Club of Greater Flint at

John Schmitt was the lucky winner of our 50/50 drawing this morning. He was able to get a whopping $10 bill in trade for his winning ticket.

We are adding photos to the online directory of members on Please show up on May 28th with the clothes on that you would like in your picture. Pictures will be taken and added to the web directory.


  • Swartz Creek Hometown Days May 29th – 31st
  • Children’s Miracle Network June 7th
  • Optimist Leadership Conference June 13th

Yours in Optimism,

Jeff Dennings