Vice President Jeff Dennings, flush from his winnings of the 50/50 drawing last week and his successful bid on a Wolverines football package, rang the bell to open this week’s meeting, had Steve Schlott lead in the Pledge and Ken Cullen give the invocation. Before opening the fines, the Crown was auctioned (for a mere $1) to “King-for-a-Day” Phil Holmblade, who used it as an ear-warmer.
Fines abounded—against anyone who did not attend Dan Crannie’s “Going-Away Party” at Churchill’s (including Dan himself?) and all who missed the Central Club Anniversary Party at Farmer’s Market last night. (Note that Walt Widder & his wife, Linda, and Dave Crabill and his wife, Sue, attended both events and “tapped out” Churchill’s brews!) In addition, fines were levied against those who wore pants, those who wore ties, and Matt Mrasek for overexposure. (Kim Banat handled this last issue with grace.)
Kathy Losinski had more surgery on her shoulder/collarbone yesterday; please keep her and the family in your thoughts and prayers, as well as the family of Jim Reigle, whose father passed this past week.
Gerri Poage, in an attempt to ingratiate herself to the Acting President, drew Jeff Dennings’ ticket yet again for the 50/50 pot and then started serving coffee to the Club.
As previously announced, Club business became the focus of the day’s discussion:
CANUSA Games Appreciation Dinner last night emphasized the significant role of Optimist Club activities in their past events and renewed the commitment to ongoing support in the future. Steve Schlott passed around signup sheets for final arrangements on the distribution of food boxes to the CANUSA players:
- packing to be done from 6:00-8:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 5, at Steve’s home (437 Morrish Road, 2nd driveway N. of River Road), and
- distribution carpool (meeting on August 9 at 9:00 a.m. at Walli’s on Center Road) riding in Art Ridley’s pickup/limo and pulling the food wagon to Port Huron.
Peter Venos and John Schmitt share the August Speaker Chair role, but we still need a volunteer for the August newsletter task.
Special Days Camp sponsorship (one of our long-supported beneficiaries) was voted on by the members (including a Board quorum), who are again sending a seriously ill youngster (for $750) for a week of camping.
A lengthy discussion on pros and cons of various options regarding restructuring of membership dues and breakfast expenses (currently creating a financial deficit of approximately $500 every Quarter) ensued, with no resolution by meeting end but a lot of issues, opinions, and options raised. Volunteers agreed to explore more specific money-saving options before the tabled topic will be reconsidered. (Thanks to Art Ridley, Dan Crannie, Kim Banat, and Dave Crabill, among others, for specific constructive ideas and commitment.) More information to follow…
Until next time,
“Promise Yourself…”
Greg Hilliker