Meeting Notes
Stephanie Eastman introduced our speaker Jarret Haynes, executive director, for the Whiting. The Whiting is located at 1241 E Kearsley St in Flint and provides facilities, programs and services to promote and support the presentation of the best regional, national and international performing artists. Each year, The Whiting presents Broadway, music, comedy, theater, dance and much more throughout its season. Jarret discussed some of the upcoming performances the Whiting will be hosting which include Anything Goes February 13th-14th, Sister Act February 28th through March 1st, Macbeth March 13th, and Mamma Mia May 29th through 30th.
Jarret recommended the following video:
Jarret spoke about the decline of Music and Art education in the school systems and how important it is for children to be exposed to the performing arts through live performances. He spoke about how the Whiting works in cooperation with all Genesee County Schools to ensure local children receive this exposure. He also spoke about the special relationship the Whiting has with the City of Flint schools and how profound of an effect the performing arts can have on disadvantaged children. Overall, he pointed out that a theater offering live performances can enhance a community making it more vibrant.
Jarret encouraged everyone to support the Whiting and to come and see at least one live performance this year. For more information, the Whiting’s website is
- The Big Brothers Big Sisters team signup sheet is available for the event scheduled for February 19th at 7:00 p.m.
- Board Meeting 6 PM February 19th at the Bridge
Respectfully Yours in Optimism,
Kim Banat