Speaker Chair Joe Bushey had the honor of introducing one of our own, Roxanne Caine, was here to represent McLaren, giving a report on the status of the Proton Therapy venture and to introduce Julie Snyder, our main speaker for the morning. Julie spoke about the innovative “Telestroke” program developed and delivered by McLaren, allowing remote physicians and medical personnel to access and intervene with information that can prevent, counteract, or mitigate some of the devastation that stroke victims, their friends, families, and employers experience because of information barriers and delay. She described some of the robotic technologies that are available to the patients being evaluated and treated for stroke, as well some of the very intriguing, complex, high-tech ways of intervening very quickly. While that part of the presentation was quite sophisticated and included “medicalese” language, she stressed the importance of simpler principles in detecting and managing stroke:
• F Facial expression, paralysis, and asymmetry are clues to detecting stroke,
• A Arm movements (differences in ability to raise and keep high one arm or the other) are suggestive of stroke possibility;
• S Speech difficulty (garbled speech, wrong words/phrasing, difficulty finding/pronouncing familiar words) may be a sign;
• T Time is critical—some of the interventions have a limited window of opportunity for stopping or reversing the negative effects of stroke, so quick action is important.
• 911 If stroke is even a possibility, do not transport the victim in your private vehicle; the professionals have ways of intervening en route to the hospital that you will not have!
Joe Bushey rang the opening bell for the present-but-otherwise-occupied President Jeff Dennings, after which Dave Crabill reenacted the Iwo Jima flag-raising before leading the 23 people present in the Pledge of Allegiance. Lynn Eastman said the morning prayer, but fines flew anyway. When Greg Hilliker merely pointed out how some of the members slacked off on some of the Club’s reasonable social expectations, he was fined for being “needy”; oh, the humanity!
Among the important topics discussed over our omelets and oatmeal:
• Sell tickets for the 31-Day Raffle!!
• The annual August Board Meeting/Steak Cookout is scheduled for August 11, and members will be expected to pay $15/person for the fine food and fellowship at Joe Farah’s home.
• Hurley Foundation invites us to a benefit event at Sloan Museum on Tuesday, 7-26-16. (More details to come.)
• CANUSA Games begin in 6 weeks (Aug. 7 lunch distribution), and Steve Schlott has volunteered to chair up this venture. (More information to follow in specific tasks, times, and locations.)
• Dan Crannie won $13 in today’s 50/50 drawing and will plan to be present to sell next week’s tickets.
Dave Crabill led in the recitation of the Creed to close this week’s meeting.
Until next time,
“Promise Yourself…”
Greg Hilliker