
Ted Valley, accused by Dave Crabill of blatant thespianism, came from Vertigo Productions to encourage each of our 16 members present to ‘Embrace Your Inner Child.” He suggested that many of us older folks need to remember how to play and to engage with those who do. He also modeled for us the practice of playful disruption of serious meetings and preoccupation with power. (Prepare, Pete!)

President Jeff Dennings swung the gavel for the last time in this administration, called on John Losinski to lead in saying the Pledge of Allegiance and Ken Cullen to say grace, then stepped in as temporary Tailtwister until Jack Medemar arrived. Mic Goulet fined Dave Crabill for transforming a $600 “win” into a $0 award, Lynn Eastman charged Ken Cullen with pessimism on the golf course and Ken displaced some of the pain onto Lynn for showing off and onto those who did not show at all for the Walt Widder Memorial event, Dave Crabill ruffled King Peter Venos’ feathers with a fine anticipating Pete’s future abuse of Presidential power, Patrick Neswell was fined for faiIing to have a belt before breakfast, and the entire Northerly table paid for their obsession with politics. All this seemed to suggest that our guest speaker was ”preaching to the choir”.

Additional items of discussion and business:

  • President Jeff reprised his State of the Club message, noting that we have regained Honor Club status and that our incoming President’s speech and
  • Joe Farah‘s engaging conversation proved to be inspirational to our new JOOI Club members at last week’s Installation Banquet.
  • Re: $5K Raffle: a sign-up form for job assignments is available online, Mic Goulet has agreed to be MC, and there are many undistributed and unsold tickets remaining for our most important fundraiser. SELL!
  • The Walt Widder Memorial Golf Outing saw 26 teams,103 golfers, and 11 volunteers generate $4916 to our Club ‘for the kids’! (Even the ”beer cart” drivers donated their tips!)
  • Jack Medemar will be here early next week to sell “50/50” tickets, having taker today’s pot.
  • Steve Schlott reported that at the funeral of Iong-time member Ralph Boyer, 10 Optimists attended, CANUSA representatives were there, and Ralph’s grand-daughter recited the Creed. Great tribute and legacy!

Until next time,
”Promise YourseIf… “