West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 9/7/17
Speaker Chair Dan Crannie brought back Sam Roth, Marketing Director at Whaley Childrens Center (https://www.whaleychildren.org/ ) to speak with us this morning. She filled us in on the many excursions and events the youngsters have had — Christmas in July, Legoland, Camp Copneconic, Michigan Adventure, Torzewski County Park (http://www.lapeercountyparks.net/torzewski_county_park), School clothes shopping trip, and movies were specifically mentioned. The exhilaration of buying $600 worth of “normal” clothes for school and the fascination and usage patterns of on-board bus toilets made for an interesting presentation. Sam also discussed the 4 off-campus Whaley “Houses”, including Zonta (for females), Rotary (currently closed because of Flint water issues), Kiwanis (co-ed, to accommodate sibling groups), and Optimist (for males). The Optimist House “wish list” include dressers and an “Accent Wall”, and food “is always welcome”, as are visitors and mentors from the Club. Some of the Whaley kids are listed on the Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange (http://www.mare.org/), and the Club’s recent trip to the Lansing Lugnuts game was a great opportunity for interaction with the kids.
President Peter Venos rang the meeting to a semblance of order at 7:30 a.m., and Greg Hilliker led the Pledge to the Flag, after which Jack Proffitt prayed for “the grub and the Club”. Dave Crabill tried to win a bidding war for the Crown auction this morning, but Bill Hentgen’s persistence and $3 bid took the prize. The 23 people present were in awe of Bill’s royal garb: the gaudy scarlet and gold crown looked dull in the aura of Bill’s fluorescent yellow-green sweatshirt (a remnant of Bill’s DOT days?). Bill used his regal power to penalize all those whose photos were not in the “My City” recent issue, as well as anyone who had not attended at least one musical event this past week; Greg Hilliker was charged with a “no sweat” fine by Joe Bushey when his track suit was dry on arrival at the meeting, Steve Schlott fined all who did not walk across the “Mighty Mac” on Labor Day, prompting Bill to levy another fine against anyone who hadn’t viewed the Bridge from atop the suspension pillars (another DOT memory?). Matt Mrasek paid for arriving for only the “for all” finish of the Pledge, but Judge Joe Farah, Patrick Naswell, John Losinski, and Crys Reed drew for straws to see who would be last to arrive. Before winning the $21 morning “50/50” drawing, Patrick Naswell paid for having a debate with TailTwister Jack Medemar, and other insults to order and civility continued until Prez Pete began the important announcements that included:
Board Meeting is next week (Thursday, 9-14-17, at 6:00 p.m. at Dan Crannie’s company facility.)
Installation Banquet is to be Sept. 21 at Redwood Lodge– please plan to attend. (Crystufer Reed wants you at his party!)
Please plan to submit your nominations for this year’s “Optimist of the Year” award. If you do not vote in the Thursday morning meeting, make sure that you communicate with Peter Venos about your vote via phone or email!
J00I Club (Swartz Creek Dragons) resume meetings starting next week in Room 509 Thursdays at 2:30 p.m., per Jeff Dennings, who noted that members wishing to attend will have to submit a request in order to be cleared through the school’s security system.
“$5K Raffle” – 23 tickets remain to be distributed and sold for the October 26 event at Atlas Valley. (See Jim Reigle for them, and SELL the ones you still have in your possession!)
Valley Coney Island is closing its doors, so we will be relocating: Please communicate information and desires regarding our Club transition to a new location within the next couple weeks.
Bob Hentgen remains in the hospital, according to his brother Bill, who notes that he has some inexplicable (as yet) internal bleeding.
Kathy Losinski and Sue Crabill are inviting sponsors for their participation in the Walk to End Alzheimers (http://act.alz.org/site/TR?fr_id=10498&pg=entry).
Try Hockey Free Day at Crystal Fieldhouse is at 11:00 a.m. Sat., 9-9-17, per Dave Crabill.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…“