New member Tina Olshove, Speaker Patrick Naswell, and President Peter Venos
West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 9/28/17
President Peter Venos and Mic Goulet held the flag, after coaching in protocol by Phil Holmblade, as Jeff Dennings led in the Pledge of Allegiance. Jack Proffitt gave the invocation, after which new member Tina Olshove received her membership packet and pin. Bill Hentgen paid for the auctioned Crown and immediately began penalizing those who did not compliment him on his attractive attire and who had not attended Flint Cultural Center events over the weekend. Tina paid a fine for having been a member for so long without “doing anything to promote Optimism and world peace”. When a fine was proposed for anyone not wearing Optimist clothing, Mic volunteered that he was wearing “an OI thong” and not a soul wished to verify the claim. Patrick Naswell paid fines for being late and for then apologizing for not realizing that Prez Pete was hoping that Pat would supply today’s guest speaker; after hearing that “Love means never having to say ‘I’m sorry'”, Pat transformed himself into the guest speaker right before our eyes. Jim Carney, pleased to have arrived before Crys Reed, proposed a fine against anyone not having served as Club President and captured Crys, Jim Reigle, and Tina in the net. Joe Bushey paid a fine for taking two weeks to find our new breakfast location, and Greg Hilliker paid a fine proposed by Steve Schlott for using little “big words”. We discussed upcoming events — Walt Widder Golf outing this weekend, Tuesday’s 1 p..m. meeting at The Cage for matchmaking community needs with area service supports (contact Jeff for details), next Thursday’s “1st of the academic year” Dragons JOOI Club meeting, and “Suits & Sauce” Boys & Girls Club fundraiser at Farmers Market on October 18. “5K Raffle” job sign-up to be initiated next week. Bill Hentgen bought the day’s winning “50/50” ticket, and Patrick Naswell told us of his work at the Hurley Foundation: grant-writing is a primary activity for him, but he also spoke of a new parent training video, the “Hour of Miracles” program that attempts to replace funding formerly received from Childrens Miracle Network activities, Trauma Recovery Center funding from “white collar crime” recovered money, and the building of private pedatric rooms.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”