West Flint Optimist Newsletter – May 31, 2018
Bill Hentgen sold “50/50” tickets as we gathered for the morning meeting and after the typical opening ceremonies (Pledge, Prayer, Presentation of the Crown), “King” Phil Holmblade immediately fined the entire Club for not having proposed any fines. Bill paid a fine for wearing a “normal” shirt (with Optimist logo, nonetheless!) and vowed that he would not repeat this experience next meeting. A relatively small group of 12 shared breakfast and casual conversation in the absence of the planned speaker for the day. Changes in the “Backpack Program” next year will result from a renewed grant and the closure of the Mary Crapo building where the activity was held this past year, so plan for your next criminal background check. Potential sponsorship of a dinosaur for Sloan Musem’s exhibit at Courtland Center was discussed, as were prospects for a “Membership Committee” and calling for recruitment of new members and encouragement of attendance for existing members, and newest member (not yet installed) Kevin Wright had a chance to familiarize himself with the Optimist Creed, as we closed with
“Promise Yourself…”
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