West Flint Optimist Newsletter – June 7, 2018
Jim Boyd, Membership Director for Optimist International, has experience in Club development and expansion: 44 new clubs have been started this year with a total of 57 expected by year end. Despite this, OI is expected to have a net loss of 90 clubs this year. Many of the new and growing numbers are in Asia and “Third World” countries. In contrast with our historical “Recruit to do” approach, Jim advocates a “Do to Recruit” pattern that invites people to help out in their community or area of interest, establish a relationship that resonates with the other person’s values and preferences and then recruit them into a place, position, or project that fits with their skills and/or values and introduce the idea of Club membership and meetings as a means for their expression. He notes that very few people are not interested or willing to have a “chance to serve”, especially in an effort to promote hope and positive vision in the youth of their area. Options for “flex time”, alternative meeting schedules (including “Happy Hour” meetings) and starting conversations were presented, discussed, and disseminated in handouts.
For today’s meeting, we had a packed house (25 present) that included several members of other Zone Clubs –Downtown, Flushing, Grand Blanc, and Dragons JOOI were represented in addition to our own folks. Carole Dennings, just finishing her Junior Club stint, is planning to join our Adult Club and got some practice in fine proposal by passing one against her father, Jeff Dennings. Jack Medemar fined all those who did not dress as well as he did, Phil Holmblade needed a GPS to sort out a fine against one of the tables, Ken Cullen fined the President Crys Reed for losing control of the Club (again), new member (to be inducted as soon as his packet arrives) Kevin Wainwright paid one of Phil’s fines. and Bill Hentgen once again promoted downtown and dinosaurs!
Don’t forget the plans for a Board Meeting Next Thursday, 6-14-18.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”
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