Guest Speaker Rebecca Fedewa came to us from the Flint River Watershed Coalition ( to talk about the 1300 square miles in t his remarkable resource and her role in maintaining it for the area population. In addition to the well-publicized Iron Belle Trail (,4570,7-350-79133_79206_83634—,00.html ) in this area, a “Water Trail” project is in development, with new “access points” planned and improvements in the works for existing access spots for those who enjoy the recreation and wildlife along the Flint River. Rebecca described an Environmental Education element in which school-age youth are taught to sample and test water and give presentations at a multi-school Student Summit, sharing results, conclusions, ideas, and newfound empowerment with each other while also appreciating the resource of the River. Advocacy and Quality Monitoring are other important aspects of Coalition efforts, but a favorite is the Flint River Flotilla. Funding for the Coalition comes from donations, memberships, government and foundation grants, and event fees. Rebecca invites all of us to come see the eagles that fish in the River and cautions us to heed the limits on fish taken for food from it.
The 13 present at this morning’s breakfast saw Kevin Wainwright fined for low ticket sales, Jack Proffitt for playing “music” with his truck during the Pledge, John Losinski for arriving for “lunch”, Tauzzari Robinson for “sneaking in” and shaming the rest with his natty attire, and Greg Hilliker for a number of silly things like letting the meeting die, not knowing how to wear a Crown, and not wearing a cheerful countenance. John Losinski also fined the entire Club for setting the dress code bar so low for Tauzzari. Bill Hentgen announced Cultural Center events and volunteered to be TailTwister. Carol Dennings landed her new job (good) and will often be unable to make our meetings (bad). Lynn Eastman drew the lucky “50/50” ticket. We already have 9 members signed up for “Dime-a-Day” for the OI Foundation, and only one more is necessary for meeting that Honor Club standard.
- Board Meeting at Crannie’s is at 6 pm on 11/13/18.
- The InterService Club Luncheon is on 11/16/18 at First Presbyterian Church, and members signing up and attending will be sponsored by the Club.
- The Santa Run is set for 12/1/18 and volunteers are to be at the “Y” at 11:00 am.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”