A relatively small group of 15 gathered today as President Phil Holmblade opened the meeting with the standard “Pledge, Prayer, Bell” sequence before quickly reviewing this past Tuesday’s Board Meeting. He noted that Atlas Valley has closed and we will have to consider location alternatives (discussed) for our “$5,000 Raffle and Banquet” this coming year, with John Losinski (after considerable prayer, turmoil, reflection, and a lapse in memory) agreeing to take on the chairmanship for the event and Jim Reigle agreeing to manage the tickets again after a specific request. Results of this past year’s fundraisers and provisional budget allocations through this coming year were briefly discussed, and Bill Hentgen, especially, was pleased with the announcement that the Club has donated money for The Whiting to provide transportation to youth for its educational programming. Jack Proffitt reminded us all of next week’s planned Pancake Breakfast with Santa for the MSD kids. (Gifts should be wrapped, labeled, and brought early if they have not yet been given to Jack, so that they can be counted and in place before the event.)
When the fines opened, Jack Proffitt charged the entire Club with ignoring Phil’s wimpy bell-ringing, Bill Hentgen paid a fine for looking like a Christmas decoration, Carol Dennings paid a fine for making her father and Potentate/KIng Jeff Dennings late for today’s meeting, Greg Hilliker fined all who did not volunteer for the “Time2Ring” kettle drive (see photo to understand why),
King Jeff fined his daughter for not paying attention to the meeting and she countered with a charger that he refused to provide her with appropriate clothing, A sign-up sheet passed around for Speaker Chair schedule still shows April, May, June, August, and September unassigned and available – the other months are accounted for.
Judge Joe Farah spoke briefly regarding his work in highly publicized, difficult, and important cases coming before the Court, and John Losinski won the “50/50” pot.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”