Casey Schlinker, having moved from “Development Director” to “Program Manager” at Whaley Children’s Center, returned to speak with the Club about new developments regarding the Whaley kids. A huge new commitment, in keeping with the increased emphasis on transitioning older Whaley youth to more independent living options, is expanding a “Career Education/ Work Force” venture into a resale boutique venture – “RECLAIMED”- to open in 90 days. The downtown will be managed and operated by the 14- to 18-year-olds for “hands-on” skill development in the display, marketing, and customer interaction for sale of clothing, furniture, and home goods (all currently accepted as donations!) Other activities mentioned by Casey include recent “Michigan’s Adventure” trip and “Christmas in July” events and the upcoming “Roof-sit” fundraiser and ongoing staff “Trauma” training. Questions about the Optimist House and possible increased Club investment in Whaley were raised, and the prospect of stronger linkage and communication may be enhanced by having someone from Whaley (Casey?) become a member.
President Phil Holmblade rang the meeting to order and called on members to lead in Pledge and Prayer, then welcomed John Drum (guest and neighbor of “King” Jeff Dennings and one of a few people who can single-handedly “stop a Trane”) and had Bill Hentgen announce the “Old Cars” fundraiser for Sloan Museum and asked Steve Schlott to update the 15 people present on CANUSA events (particularly the 7/22/19 Golf Outing at Flint Golf Club). Steve also prompted the group to extend condolences to Prez Phil, whose mother passed away during the past 2 weeks, noting the pain of this passing is difficult even if not totally unexpected. Jack Medemar came in jacket and tie just long enough to impress everyone with his appearance, train “substitute TailTwister” Jack Proffitt, and leave instructions for trying to drive Greg Hilliker into bankruptcy. This was so disturbing that I could not even focus on the rest of the few fines not so directed. Thanks to Speaker Chair Dan Crannie for stopping the abuse and introducing Casey Schlinker.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”