West Flint Optimist Club
4-7-16 Newsletter
Phil Davis, his wife Elise, and his father-in-law Sixto Olivo were introduced as guests by Speaker Chair Mic Goulet. Phil talked about his “post-retirement” respite care work for Michigan Community Services and GISD, where he deals with the special needs of youth and their parents for a temporary break from the extra demands and limitations of family life with needy kids. (Jeff Dennings expressed first-hand accounts and appreciation for this valued and generous service.) Referrals come through CMH, and Phil is currently preparing for his license to drive buses for his charges.
President Jeff Dennings started the morning’s meeting with a clang and had Phil Holmblade lead the Pledge and Ken Cullen offer grace before the meal and the enthusiastic volley of fines. Jack Proffitt proposed a fine against Phil Holmblade for starting the Pledge with “Certainly!”, Bill Hentgen held Dan Crannie accountable for failure to mention our Optimist Club at a speaking engagement this week and Jeff Dennings for losing control in the meeting. John Losinski paid “late fees” and our newest member, Chris Reed, had second thoughts about the costs of membership following his induction, sponsored by Dan Crannie. Bill Hentgen once again won the 50/50 pot, and Mic Goulet led in the recitation of the Creed to end the meeting.
Ann Kellley, from the Davison Club, is now serving on the Whaley Board and talked about Whaley’s new (mis-)adventures regarding real estate. An arrangement for property at Camp Copneconic may be viable if Whaley can “break even” on a burned and questionable property on Potter Road. She also talked of the ongoing operation of the Optimist House, currently housing 6 teen boys who share a monthly dinner with Ann and the Davison Club.
Board Meeting on April 14 at the Bridge (front entrance)
Masonic Temple Chicken Dinner on April 24 (Bill Hentgen has tickets for sale, and sign-up sheet for volunteers is forthcoming.)
Club sponsorship of new JOOI Club at Swartz Creek High School developing this month
Swartz Creek Hometown Days from June 2-5 (Club has a table reserved in the vendor tent. Art Ridley is getting additional information.)
Walt Widder Memorial Golf Scramble at Dutch Hollow in Durand on Saturday, September 24. (Proceeds to the Club; Posters and team registration forms available)
Steve Schlott reported that he has received news of the passing of Ron Polsgrove’s mother, so keep Ron in your thoughts and prayers, and consider making contact.
Until next time,
“Promise Yourself…”
Greg Hilliker