Mick Goulet led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning. It was followed by a prayer by Greg Hilliker.
Fines were opened by Prez Jack with the usual barrage and efficient follow-up by our tail twister Jack Medemar to see that all monies are collected.
Guest this week was Meredith Dubbs invited by Art Ridley who was absent this morning. Fines against Art will be numerous next week. Meredith submitted her application for membership today.
50/50 Winner was Bill Hentgen. Amazing how those BFOC tickets keep producing BFOC winners!
Meeting Notes
Everyone was asked to make sure they collect complete information on all of the $5000 Raffle tickets sold (email, address, etc). All members were reminded to sell, sell, sell. But most importantly, turn in the money ASAP. It is extremely important to return any unsold tickets, sooner rather than later. All tickets (sold or unsold) need to be in no later than our meeting on Oct 23rd.
Nut Sale is also in progress, so get those orders from your customers. Money can be collected at the time of delivery, unless your customers prefers to pay early. Please hold on submitting any nut order money to Walt until after Oct 23rd. Thank you.
Guest Speaker
Bill Hentgen – Bill is very active in the Flint Institute of Music and Flint Institute of Art and shared some brochure information with us. Handouts were also provided. The next FIM concert is on Oct 17th, 7 PM featuring Joseph Deller, violinist at the FIM MacArthur Recital Hall. The next concert at the Whiting is Nov 15th , 8 PM with guest artist Saul Medina on the marimba (a percussion instrument). For other music opportunities go to www.FlintInstituteofMusic.org or call 810-238-1350, ext. 3.
“Curious George” is at the Sloan Museum.
Next week’s speaker will be the Police Chief of Flint Township. Let’s have a great turnout.
Optimist Creed led by Dave Crabill.
- Board Meeting on Oct 16th, 6 PM at the Bridge.
- All members are reminded to SELL, SELL, SELL $5,000 Raffle Tickets.
- Sell, sell those nuts!
- District Q1 Meeting on Nov 4th in Southfield.
Respectfully yours in Optimism,
Phil Holmblade