Floyd led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning. It was followed by a prayer by president-elect Jack Proffitt.

Fines were opened. Floyd Olmstead was fined for not being cheerful about being fined for saying we do the pledge different.

Meeting Notes

RSVP’s are due for the Installation Banquet for 2014/2015 will be held on September 18 starting at 6:00 PM. Arrangements have been made to hold the festivities at Ruggero’s Restaurant located at 5311 W Corunna Rd, Flint, MI 48532.

Several compliments were given to Jeff Dennings with regards to his recent efforts on our Club Newsletters.

We talked about having the Nut Sale in addition to our $5000 Raffle fund-raising efforts.

We are going to ask Dave Crabill about drafting and submitting a press release announcing the merger of Breakfast Optimist Club with West Flint Optimist Club.

President Greg Hilliker informed us of the Board Meeting coming up on September 25 at 6:15 pm at the Bridge

We discussed ticket sales to the $5000 Raffle. Time is running short and we haven’t even covered the cost of the event yet. All members were reminded to sell, sell, sell.

Nobody has figured out what Phil Holmblade is doing to rig the 50/50 raffle. Once again he was victorious, walking away with a hefty $12 for his winnings.

We purchased $600 worth of school supplies that were given away at Family Fun Day hosted by The Bridge Church. The event was attended by well over 2,000 people. School supplies wee given out to 300 children. The give-away lasted for about 1-1/2 hours.

There was not a speaker today because nobody could figure out who was going to be the speaker chair.


Reminders were given as follows:

  • Installation Banquet on September 18th
  • Board Meeting on September 25th
  • All members are reminded to SELL, SELL, SELL $5,000 Raffle Tickets


Respectfully yours in optimism,
Jeff Dennings