Scott brought us two great speakers today from The Disability Network.  They led us through several questions that help everyone better understand exactly what having a disability means. Disability Network is located at 3600 S Dort Hwy. Ste. 54, Flint, MI 48507. Their website is The mission of The Disability Network is to promote freedom, choice, opportunity and equality for people with disabilities through advocacy, education and employment.

“Seeing the Ability”

and click here for the transcript.

Great work Scott.

We had another large group today.  World traveler President Bob was back and things quickly got out of control.  Chuck paid most of the fines.  He even covered the NFG fine for Nate our newest member.

Murphy had several updates for us.  Bob is off next week, but he will be back the next week (June 23rd) to hand out our scholarships.

Thank you!

Mike Buckel