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Sidebar ads appear just to the right side on a computer monitor or inline on a phone. The ad size is 250 pixels by 250 pixels.
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About This Site
The purpose of this site is to promote the activities of local Optimist Clubs. Optimist International is a worldwide volunteer organization made up of more than 2,500 local Clubs whose Members work each day to make the future brighter by bringing out the best in children, in their communities, and in themselves.
The founder of Eclectic Sales & Creative Marketing, Dave Crabill, has been an active West Flint Optimist Club member since 2000. Having served as president of the club twice as well as serving as Lieutenant Governor of the Michigan District twice, Dave has a deep understanding of the needs of Optimist clubs.
Each club is unique, but similar in many ways. As with any volunteer organization, the task of promoting club events is appointed to a club member. Their ability to effectively promote the club is generally limited unless they have prior experience.
When Jeff Dennings came into the West Flint Optimist Club in 2013, he expressed an interest in helping with the club website and public relations. Soon Jeff was working with Dave at ESCMI as the SEO Manager. Jeff’s diligence creating successful search engine optimization campaigns for local companies has allowed ESCMI to expand its service offerings.
The current Lieutenant Governor, Michael Murphy, approached Jeff and Dave with a desire to create a website to promote the six clubs in Zone 9 of the Michigan District. This site is a result of that.
A lot of work goes into the upkeep of the website and search engine campaigns to promote the events. Beyond the labor, there are hard costs involved. We couldn’t ask the clubs to fund this directly, so we devised this sponsorship plan to cover the expense as well as raise funds for the local club projects.
A percentage of all proceeds go directly to the club you select.