Anthony Branch & Cloyce Dickerson, both from the Genesee County Road Commission, spoke with us today about the difficulties of managing the needs of the many miles of County-maintained byways with “underfunded” resources: The “gas tax” basis for financing County Road work was initiated in legislation from 1951 with limited revisions since, and it has to provide for addressing “$2 Billion dollars in deferred maintenance, 120 miles of annual “chipseal” projects done on a 6-year rotation, with a diminishing work force (down to 73 from 300 employees/operators) and increased expense ($1 Million per mile of standard 2-lane road paving).
Mic Goulet introduced our guest speakers, who spent a good deal of time courting the attention of a potential “champion” of their interests, our former Club member Omar Sims, County Commissioner.
President Peter Venos rang the bell to open today’s meeting, asking Matt Mrasek to lead the Pledge of Allegiance and Jack Proffitt to say a prayer before the frivolities and food arrived. Bill Hentgen bought the auctioned Crown for $2, then promptly proceeded to initiate fines against Mic Goulet for “sneaking in” to the meeting, against the entire Club of 23 present for not appearing in “My City” magazine and at the Priorities Children event. The President was fined for loss of control in the meeting, and Greg Hilliker paid several fines for “harassing the “TailTwister” (Jeff Dennings today) despite having been immunized from the fine assessment by virtue of bringing a guest (sister Jenny Byrd from an Indiana Optimist Club). Partick Naswell and Crystufer Reed got into a fining duel having to do with Crys’s “memory lapse” and its miraculous reversal, and the Northerly table was assessed a fine for allowing the King to preside while wearing a “curtain” from the 50s. Jeff Dennings made note of the JOOI charitable beverage distribution and our guest Mr. Dickerson walked away with the take from the $24 “50/50” drawing today, just before Omar Sims led in the Creed recitation to end the meeting (and refresh his memory of member years).
Dates to remember:
Tonight’s Board Meeting
2-18-17 LugNuts Game
2-23-17 Big /Big Sisters Bowling fundraiser
Until next time,
“Promise Yourself…”
Greg Hilliker