West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 10/19/17
Zachery and Mallory Phillips came to speak with the Club about Pursuehope International (pursuehope.org, Pursuehope International) at the request of Speaker Chair Mic Goulet. Zachery makes a living in the family insurance agency and Mallory is a pediatric nurse, but their work of love is a non-profit charitable organization that “teaches people how to fish”: through technological contributions (television screens, DVD players, DVDs, etc.) people are introduced to techniques of using materials and resources readily available in their vicinity to raise healthy livestock, plant and harvest for food, purify air and potable water, practice healthy child-rearing and sexual behaviors, develop their own microbusinesses, and so on. An example of their curriculum includes the raising and uses of the plentiful and easily grown Maringa tree (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moringa_oleifera), which can provide food for both humans and livestock, has medicinal applications, prevents soil erosion, and purifies highly contaminated and polluted water; another is the fabrication of a simple toothbrush and toothpaste from common items and substances, and yet another is the literal raising (as on a platform) of livestock to limit disease. The curricular presentations are in the native dialects (translation being one of the most costly aspects of the organization’s venture) produced in simple grammatical format and distributed through area networks (frequently church denominations) in the targeted regions. Pursuehope is most interested, at present, in expanding their network of resources and support, scheduling speakers and raising awareness of their philosophy and mission in communities and media here in the U.S., and obtaining financial support for their work (most of the expenses are in translation, production, and air fare).
President Crys Reed opened the day’s breakfast meeting of 23 (our first at the relocated Valley Breakfast & Bistro) with the Pledge and Prayer, which immediately prompted Art Ridley to “take a knee” (reverence or protest? Neither– picking up coins.), and providing King Phil Holmblade with his Crown. Phil was fined for having too much “air space” under his headgear, paid by others, of course. Mic Goulet made sure that Bill Hentgen paid a fine for wearing his red “kinky boots” in local media without wearing his Optimist pin, and fines levied against the “early” John Losinski and the “sneaky” Joe Farah added to the “50/50” pot won by Steve Bentley.
Next week’s meeting, again at this location, will lay out final arrangements for Thursday’s “$5K Raffle” the same evening, for which Phil still has a couple available tickets.
Arrangements are also in the works for our MSD / Santa Pancake Breakfast tentatively scheduled for 12/14/17, with more info to come.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”
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