West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 11/16/17
Joe and Erica Sanford Introduced their relatively new and rapidly expanding business to the 18 members of the Club present today. Reformation Home Health (https://www.facebook.com/Reformationhh/) started three years ago with 3 employees, went to 16 last year, is now at 37 and continuing to grow. Partly due to the demand for “boomers” with health issues, their own homes, and smaller families, the business was conceived a more compassionate and responsive alternative to the health care options available at the time. The business has altered its approach to providing for improved life quality for the personnel as well as the patients, adopting a “teaching” of work ethics, personal grooming, character and values, and money management skills to the service providers.
President Crys Reed opened the meeting by asking Ron Ballard to lead in the Pledge and Jack Proffitt to say grace, then opened the fine frivolity in the meeting, which today included Tina Olshove, Bonnie Kelley (extant but frequently missed members) and a guest, Eric, an employee and “right hand man” of our President. Bonnie already knew our guest speakers, operating in similar work sector, and Dan Crannie was pleased to hear of their need for signage. The fines were enough to generate a good donation to the Club from the “50/50 Pot” winners, our guest speakers.
Buy and bring your gifts for the MSD kids, prepare for background checks if you are going to be assisting with the upcoming JOOI Dragons Club projects, and have a great Thanksgiving breakfast somewhere else next week!
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”
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