West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 11/30/17
Bonnie Kelley introduced her youngest daughter, Lisa Church, to be the day’s speaker. Lisa has been Bonnie’s Office Manager for 9 years at Alternative Elderly Care (http://alternativeelderlycare.com/). Bonnie began this home health care service several years ago to take care of her grandmother, and it serves Genesee and surrounding counties’ citizens struggling with limitations due to aging, physical or mental disabilities (non-medical), and transitions from medical care. Providing intensive case management, deep cleaning, food delivery, prescription pickup and administration, the (at-present) 27 all female staff, aged 17-70, possess required certifications and some specialized skills (e.g., ASDL fluency), provide respite care coverage, handle many Protective Services referrals, and ensure backup support while working with several community organizations. (Lisa and other staff are on the Boards of several.)
President Crys Reed arrived at this morning’s meeting wearing a crown and had to take it off while holding the American flag for the Pledge of Allegiance, after which Jack Proffitt prayed for the meeting and mission of the Club.
No fine was imposed for Lynn Eastman‘s comment that “weather” has been suggested for “MVP” of this year’s Michigan State’s Football team, but several fines flew to fill this morning’s “50/50” pot: Steve Schlott proposed, and surprisingly passed, a fine against TailTwister Jack Medemar (does he also spit into the wind?); Fickle Former Prez Peter Venos proposed and then rescinded his vote on another fine, Tina Olshove refused to stand for her fine proposal and paid the price, and a fine passed against King Phil Holmblade (paid for by Joe Bushey) because the King’s crown would have dropped to his collar if not for his glasses! Tina Olshove won the “50/50” money from the 22 present (which included guest Jeremy Romes, Sales & Marketing Director for Saginaw Medical Service) and donated her winnings to the Club. Before Bonnie Kelley led the closing recitation of the Creed, the following items were discussed:
December 7 – Capitol Theater Ribbon-cutting, December 8 – “Classy Brass” concert at the Capitol Theater, December 16 and 17 – Holiday Pops, December 14 – MSD/Santa Pancake Breakfast here at 8:00 a.m., and April 29 – Masonic Chicken Dinner fundraiser (assuming…).
Bill Hentgen has tickets for many of these events, if you are interested, and next week’s Guest Speaker will be Joy from the Salvation Army.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”
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