West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 11-9-17
Brent Hortz & Marilyn Costigan spoke with us today, from the Boy Scouts. Guests of Speaker Chair Dan Crannie, who is on the financial board of BSA, their focus was on the “ScoutReach” Program in the Flint Schools. This program provides youth in elementary grades with a free scouting experience as part of their academic experience – an “elective” available to the students in the same way that Art or Gym might be available. Population density in the schools allows this program to involve 25% of the school population in the introduction to Boy Scout activities and principles, even taking them to an outdoor camp experience in Metamora. (This is just a day camp, but still quite an experience for kids, some of whom have never been out of their own neighborhood!) It also makes community impacts by providing positive male role models for a population without this, and a way to engage families. The biggest barriers to program expansion and greater impact are transportation, volunteers, and money: at present, the program has 0% parental participation and gets 34% of their funding from United Way (the balance coming from endowments and fundraisers like their Holiday Bistro on December 7 at Warwick Hills).
President Crys Reed rang the meeting to order, asking Steve Schlott to lead in the Pledge of Allegiance and Jack Proffitt to say grace before breakfast. Joe Bushey stood in for Jack Medemar as TailTwister this morning, collecting fines from Greg Hilliker for NOT putting catsup (ketchup) on his potatoes this morning and then another FOR doing so. Bill Hentgen was assessed a fine for wearing a shirt less colorful than Patrick Naswell did today, Bill fined the entire Club for failing to have their photos in “My City” (yet again) and Patrick paid a fine for blocking John Farah’s timely attendance at the meeting while John was fined for blaming Pat for his tardiness. Joe’s take for the morning’s “50/50” pot went to Pat, disappointing the other 15 present.
Other items of discussion:
the evening’s Board Meeting at Crannie’s; a rough breakdown of the “$5K Raffle” balance; Food Bank volunteer opportunities at the Swartz Creek Child Development Center every other Wednesday at 10 a.m. (contact Jeff Dennings); JOOI Club work and adult volunteer opportunities at the 12-2-17 Santa Run (contact Jeff); the distribution of names, ages, and grades of MSD kids for Santa Breakfast gift shopping ($25 limit, get your names from Jack Proffitt); and Bill Hentgen‘s continuing health issues.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”
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