Jeff Cram, from Camp Quality, came to speak with the Club this morning about the national system of camps for cancer patients. There are 15 camps in 11 states, providing over 30 years of service to cancer patients and their families at approximately $800/week per camper (with no cost to families of cancer patients). Michigan camps are located in Luther, Camp Copneconic, and Beaver Island (a Friday-to-Monday camp experience). The camps are staffed by volunteers, and a year-round trained companion is assigned to each of the patient/campers for a year at a time. The average ratio of 1 volunteer adult per camper has allowed the organization to function on a shoestring (1.5 full-time paid staff for the entire state), with 1 physician and 3 or more nurses available for each camp experience to accommodate the special needs of these young patient/campers on a $350,000 annual budget. In addition to the week-long camping experience, the group sponsors other ”Fun Weekends” as family experiences (& Tiger Games, etc.), for outings for the campers in the off-season, as well as their families, who experience obvious stress, schedule, and work issues as a result of the cancer diagnosis and treatment. Jeff’s oldest daughter, Payton, was diagnosed 10 yrs. ago at age 10 with Ewing’s Sarcoma in her pelvis  and Jeff stated that her last year’s highlight of “still going to camp” (with zipline and horseback riding that may never have been conceived of for her). Opportunities for support include monthly Camp Organizing Committee, presence at events, referrals of patients, and camper sponsorships.
Jack Proffitt led the Prayer before breakfast after President Peter Venos rang the Club into “formal” meeting mode, and Pete auctioned the Crown to John Losinski for an ”unheard-of” $5 (!!), after which J-Lo immediately fined anyone who had not received a presumed level of additional maturity in the past 24 hours (Happy Birthday, J-Lo!). Bill Hentgen generously passed off “First Frost (Art Fair in November) tickets to Greg Hilliker, Bill paid a fine for missing the Hurley Ball (despite having publicity for attendance at three other civic philanthropic events), Patrick Naswell paid a fine for his arrival for a “luncheon” meeting, Jack Medemar assessed a fine for anyone not displaying appropriate professional neckwear, and Greg Hilliker paid fines for, essentially, paying fines (Oh, the Humanity!). The 17 present watched as Steve Schlott’s ticket for the morning’s 50/50 drawing was drawn by his son-in-law, Joe Bushey. (Nepotism!) Then Patrick recited the Creed as his penance for late arrival, to close the meeting.


Tom Muldoon’s father’s memorial service Monday in Lapeer

Next Thursday’s  (4/13/17) Board Meeting at Crannie’s site at 6 p.m.

Dave Crabill is to have  the $5K Raffle tickets available by next week.

Masonic Chicken Dinner fundraiser is April 30.(Get and/or sell tickets!)

Next week’s speakers: from Lugnuts and Dort Federal

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”