Meeting Notes
Phil Holmblade introduced our guest speaker Dave Geiger. He is the Mundy Township Supervisor. He was Police Chief for 20 years and retired in 2006. He then was elected Treasurer and then Supervisor. Mundy Township and Swartz Creek are working together to coordinate their police departments. Swartz Creek has 7 officers and Mundy Township has 15. Dave has worked to develop the MVP (Mundy Volunteer Program). The volunteers have to attend Citizen Police Academy. It is a program to train volunteers to assist officer to take care of blight, vacation homes check, handicap parking tickets, lawns mowed and windows boarded up on abandoned homes. Dave was very helpful in explaining all the benefits in the changes he has helped to develop as the Supervisor.
There were only 15 members present to enjoy our breakfast and fellowship this morning. We missed all of you who could not be there. Hope to see you next week!
Lynn Eastman bought the crown for $2.00. He said he will not be here to bid next week so he went crazy! We found out later that Stephanie Eastman wanted to see her name in the newsletter, so that was the true reason that Lynn was willing to bid so much.
The fundraiser committee met after breakfast. The board will meet tonight at 6:00 pm at the Bridge. Hope all officers can make it. The people who helped on the Miracle Children’s Network program Sunday raised $73,074 during their time on the phones. Next week at the breakfast meeting we are going to vote on whether we should drop pancakes from our menu to be replaced by a sausage omelet. Let’s all try to be there for our voice to be heard. The Boys and Girls Club Youth Appreciation is next Wednesday at 12:00 noon. The Flint Olympian Golf Tournament will be July 24 at Brookwood. The cost is $80.00/player or $320/4 man team.
More ticket stubs were turned in for our 31 Day Raffle. Please turn the stubs in as you sell the tickets and more importantly get more tickets to sell if you have sold out or are close to selling out. Contact Jeff Dennings if you don’t have a packet of tickets.
- Board Meeting 6:00 PM June 11th @ The Bridge
- Optimist Leadership Conference June 13th
- Boys and Girls Club Youth Appreciation 12:00 PM June 17th @ Boys and Girls Club Flint
- Flint Olympian Golf Tournament July 24th @ Brookwood
Hope to see everyone next week. Until then live with an optimistic attitude.
Ken Cullen