The Honorable Judge Joseph Farah was our speaker on Thursday. The Judge always does a great job of informing the club of many legal issues in Genesee county. Most recently he has been appointed to hear cases involving civil suits for those involved with the Flint water crisis. Approx 18,000 cases. Good luck, Judge Joe. BTW nice suit!
As reported last week, John Losinski suffered a slip and fall. He had to have surgery on his ankle, which required 2 plates and some screws. Get well soon, John.
$5000.00 RAFFLE!!!!!! Tickets will be available next Thursday. The drawing will be held on March 26th at Flushing Valley Country Club. Tickets are 100.00 each. There will be three winners drawn. 5000.00, 1500.00, and 500.00. There is approx. 7 weeks to sell tickets. So, please, pick up your tickets and get them sold. No time for LOLLYGAGGING! One again, PLEASE come to club this Thursday and pick up your tickets!
The night of the raffle there will be a FREE dinner at Flushing CC for Optimist members and guest. Bring your spouse or a prospective member. It will be an Italian theme dinner buffet with cash bar. We need to have at least 15 people. Let Mic know if you can attend.
Future speakers 2/6/20…Jeremy Bigelow with Sandbox Virtual reality, 2/13/20…Glenn and Essence Wilson with Communities First and on 2/20/20 we will have Sister Carol Webber from N.E.W. Life Center.
Jeff Dennings has proposed changing or 50/50 raffle to a progressive payout. This could make a ho hum drawing a little more exciting. There will be more info and discussion on this topic.
See you Thursday. Bring a guest!