Deb Hawley from St Francis Prayer Center ask for a group pic that she could post in her newsletter, She shared with us, again, how important our contribution was for local families in our area. Good Job WFOC!
Our guest speaker was Jason Bigelow from Sandbox Virtual reality, located in the Outback Plaza on Miller Rd. They have over 100 virtual reality games available for ages 4 and up. They also have a date night special for Valentines day. Good program, looks like fun. By the way Jason is in the above picture, far left. We told Jason that because he is in the group photo that he must join the club. He was given an application.
Special thoughts and prayers go out to Jeff Dennings. His dad was in rehab, but has been transferred to hospice.
Update on John Losinski. It has been reported that J-Lo tried to do a triple axle in his ice covered driveway and missed the landing. The judges gave him high points for his attempt. He also has 5 breaks in his leg and needs surgery on his hand. Get well soon, John.
5000.00 Raffle tickets are in. Please pick up your tickets and start selling. The drawing is March 26th. There will be three winners drawn. 5000.00, 1000.00 and 500.00. Not a lot of time until drawing, so please, lets get started. Also, we need to get 20 tickets to Doc Hale ASAP,
Next Board meeting is Feb. 24th, Monday at 6:00 Pm. All members are welcome.
Dr. Jack Medemar announced the Big Brothers/Big Sisters bowling tournament will be Feb. 21st. We are looking for bowlers. Contacted Dr. Jack if interested.
Michigan District meeting is Feb. 29th in Frankenmuth. Contact Lt. Governor Jack for more info.
Past pres. Phil has, very cool, long sleeve Optimist shirts for sale at 26.50 each. Optimist hats are also available at 11.00 each.
Have a great week. See you Thursday. Bring a guest.