Prez. Greg introduced our guest speaker, Glenn Wilson, from Communities First Inc. Glenn and his wife started the 501c3 Corp. with the belief ” quality of life starts with the community. Their focus is to create economic development opportunities, provide affordable housing, foster access to arts and cultural activities and educate families and business about the environment. CFI has already renovated, 2 closed Flint schools, into affordable housing. These people are doing great work. Good program Greg.
WE had a lite turn out on Thursday. It was a little wintery, but the brave souls that ventured out, enjoyed the warmth of our fellowship, a good breakfast and some brilliant, witty, spot-on royal fines from your KING. Thank you!. By the way, I hate the term ” spot-on” and promise to never use it again.
The $5000.00 raffle is March 26th. Almost half of the tickets have been distributed. If you have not yet picked up some tickets or just want to buy some, contact Jim Reigle. A big THANK YOU to Jim for once again distributing and tracking ticket sales. This is a huge job. The club appreciates you!
Thank you, also, to Steve Schlott who volunteered to develop, print and email a rules and sales guide for the revised raffle for 2020. As Steve points out, there is no price on the tickets. Tickets are 100.00 each. Only 150 tickets being sold.
We know many people are not comfortable selling, but, just try. People want to help kids and that is what we do best. You will be surprised at how many people will say yes. Bring up, in general conversation, that your club is having a raffle that benefits kids. I find, that if people are interested, they ask questions and, many times, will volunteer to buy a ticket. No selling required. Give it a try.
Optimist Board meeting will be Feb. 24th at 6.00pm. All members are welcome.
Dr, Jack Medemar is looking for people to show up to the Big Brothers – Big Sisters Bowling Tournament on Feb, 21st 6:00pm. Notice that I did not say “bowlers”. We are looking for people who are still able to, under their own power, throw, push or scooch a bowling ball towards the pins. Score will not matter. We may not be good but we will have fun.
See you Thursday. And would somebody please bring a guest. We need a new KIng!