Optimist meetings have resumed at the Valley Restaurant. We had 6 members present in person and 5 members via Zoom. Jeff Dennings brought a special guest, our Michigan Governor elect, Patty.
The board of directors have recently approve a 1000.00 donation to the Boys and Girls club of Flint. The money is to used for art supplies.
There is a new dues proposal in the works. As you know the club has always charged for weekly breakfast in our quarterly dues. We will be talking about charging for optimist fees only which is approx. 100.00 per year and charging weekly for breakfast.. We are looking for YOUR feedback on this matter.
Because the corona virus is still doing it’s thing. That is why the Optimist International convention is going virtual. All member are invited to attend. The fee will be either waved or paid for by the club. More info to follow.
The 5000.00 dollar raffle is in the books. I believe this was our 32nd year of holding the event. When we cancelled the raffle last fall it looked like the event might not happen at all. But , the club pulled together and made a profit of 5800.00. With everything going on, this has to be considered a huge success. A big thank you to John Losinski for chairing the event and Jim Reigle for tracking the tickets. Great job everyone.