Our speaker chair on Thursday, Patty Williams, Introduced Dr. Reginald Flynn. Dr. Flynn told the story of growing up in Flint, and graduating from Beecher with a basketball scholarship to The University of South Carolina . Just before leaving for college, he was jumped and severely beaten. He left for college vowing to never return to Flint. In 2013, after much persuasion, DR. Flynn returned to Flint as Pastor of Foss Avenue Baptist Church. Upon his return he immediately went to work on many of the problems that exist in the north end. Among his endeavors are The North Flint Reinvestment Center, The Eagles Nest Academy and the North Flint Food Market, a member owned co-op. Great presentation. Thanks, Patty.
The Club received some unfortunate news about John Losinski. He, reportedly, had a very serious slip and fall accident with a number of injuries. We will have more info later. Please keep John in your Prayers.
Jeff Dennings was still in Florida helping out with his dad who is in ICU. Again, thoughts and prayers for Jeff and family.
$5000.00 RAFFLE MARCH 26, 2020 Tickets will be available soon. Start getting your list of people who have bought in past, as well as new possibilities. Like every year, we need to sell 150 tickets. We have less than 60 days. This will require a full club effort. This is still our major fund raiser. LET’S SELL SOME TICKETS!
Lt. Governor Jack reminds us that the Michigan District meeting will be Feb, 29th in Frankenmuth. Contact Jack for more info.
See you Thursday. Bring a guest