Soon to be…….King Mic!
That right, folks. The reign of terror, under the Dread King Jeff, is coming to an end. Soon to be new member, Mike Butts, has turned in his application and money.
Our Halloween meeting began with Kevin leading in the pledge. The General also filled in as tail twister. Jim Reigle was the only member in costume.
Phil Holmblade is promoting” Dime a day” and “Dollar a Day”. Both are fundraisers for the OI foundation. I am sure Phil donated his 50/50 winnings to one of them.
The 30th annual Inter-Service Club Luncheon will be Friday, Nov.22. Location- First Presbyterian church. Time-12:00 to 1:30. The club will pay 15.00 for your buffet lunch. Contact Pres. Greg for tickets.
Next Board meeting is Nov. 12, 6:00 at Signs By Crannie. Thanks, Dan.
We need a Speaker for Nov. 7th. Contact Pres. Greg.
Speaker for the Nov. 14th meeting will be The Salvation Army.
See you Thursday. Bring a guest.