Paul Rozycki, a frequent guest of our Club and Political Science professor, returned to the Club (at Speaker Chair Dan Crannie’s request) to speak about the recent election outcome and possible explanations for it.
This has been “the strangest” election, with the most unpopular options and general skepticism about public institutions, resulting in the second major disparity in recent years between popular and electoral votes. Over 2/3 of the electorate objected to Mr. Trump but 1/3 wound up voting for him (!) even after “splitting the party”, offending nearly everyone, losing support of the partisan base, receiving few newspaper endorsements, being outspent, having limited organization, being uncharacteristically devoid of military or public service experience, and having an objectionable and abrasive personality.
Reasons that such a win was possible include that 3rd consecutive victories from either party are rare, “Reagan Democrats” defected, the general population has intense and diffuse “anti-establishment anger”, Hillary Clinton’s resume was extensive but mixed in terms of positive and negative aspects, her supporters generally lacked enthusiasm (“old news” rather than fresh ideas, and “prophet without honor” dynamics), Trump’s “media mastery” and “no such thing as bad press” approach broke through the “Blue Wall” of “rust belt” Democratic and union domination, and gender, memory (of Clinton administration and controversy) combined with anger to produce this most remarkable event.
President Peter Venos called the meeting to order and asked Patrick Naswell to lead in the Pledge of Allegiance. As soon as Jack Proffitt finished the invocation, Patrick put his $3 Crown to use, fining the entire Club for no reason, then fining anyone who went hunting, watched football, breathed, etc.. Bill Hentgen, feeling his oats after driving an antitank vehicle (Floyd Olmstead thought he “got tanked”), fined anyone who did not, as well as anyone who did not attend a musical event, then paid a “dumb fine” fine. Mic Goulet was fined for his sycophantic conduct, the Southern table was fined for being “slobs”, the Northern table paid a fine for “crying”, and all of this embarrassing conduct took place in front of Patrick Naswell’s guest, friend, and mentor Rick Warmbold. After Dan Crannie won another 50/50 pot, Patrick closed with the Creed, and we disbanded for two weeks.
Thank you to Steve Schlott for picking up the hitch-hiking Floyd Olmstead and rounding our numbers of present members to 21 this morning.
The Interservice Club Luncheon is tomorrow (tickets available- talk to Pete).
Because of a conflict in the school schedule events, there will be no JOOI Club meeting today.
We have received a “save-the-date” notice for next year’s Widder Memorial event: 9-30-17.
The MSD Pancake Breakfast is coming—don’t forget!
Have a great Thanksgiving and do not come to Valley Coney Island expecting a Club meeting next week!
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”