West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 12/14/17
The Annual Michigan School for the Deaf Pancake Breakfast scheduled for today was postponed because of winter weather, but seven members came to Valley Breakfast & Bistro, anyway, to bring gifts and offer ideas and encouragement to each other. Our President Crys Reed was up all night making sure that others could get out and maneuver the areas roads and parking lots (missing sleep but enjoying the money falling from above), so he was present by phone. Arrangements were made to reschedule the MSD Breakfast for 8:30 a.m., Thursday, December21, at Valley Breakfast & Bistro after coordinating “best times” with MSD staff, verifying Valley’s availablity for short-notice schedule change, and verifying Santa’s ability to show for the event during his busiest work week!
PLAN TO BE THERE for this always-special event!
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”
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