Andy Younger, Race Director for the Crim Fitness Foundation, came to speak with us this morning, recounting the 22 year history of the Race and its evolution. From 750 original racers, the events have grown to include many thousands of participants and spectators and a broader approach to health, nutrition, and community involvement. Now operating programs throughout all of Flint schools, compensating for some of the impact of funding cuts and restricted priorities in the education arena as well as mitigating some of the effects of the “lead crisis” in the area’s youth, the Crim Foundation also has had an impact on community infrastructure – safer streets, walking to school, bicycle trails, Kettering’s “10-Mile Tailgate”, and CANUSA support are some of the community benefits.
Phil Holmblade, C;ub President, called the meeting to order at 7:30 a.m., followed by Greg Hilliker leading the Pledge and Ken Cullen‘s “Grace”. Ron Ballard expressed thanks for the award and recognition at last week’s dinner event, Bill Hentgen ran through a s series of forthcoming Cultural Center events, and then “fines were opened”: Bill Hentgen paid one for “wearing construction clothing ” to the meeting and another for saying “Money Doesn’t Matter”. John Losinski paid one for saying “Facts Don’t Matter”, Greg Hilliker paid one for failure to “wear a cheerful countenance”, Jack Proffitt passed a “fundraiser” fine against the Northerly table for no good reason, with Ken passing one against the Southerly table for being bored. Judge Joe Farah paid one for “wandering into the meeting” and Steve Schlott paid for showing up with a tan and “bleached” hair from frolicking in the sun. I stopped tracking the rest of the frivolous fines, grieving at the thought that President Phil will be leaving until April 11th. Jeff Dennings announced that Essay Contest entries would be submitted this week to the judges and (sitting in for Mic Goulet as Speaker Chair) introduced Andy Younger after Bill Reeves donated his “50/50” prize to the Club.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”