West Flint Optimist Newsletter – March 29, 2018
Our Oratorical Contest winners, Jason Van Tol (1st Place) and Jacob Winter (2nd Place), were here to speak this morning on their “Roots of Optimism”. Accompanied by family members, the young men gave very interesting speeches that included Jason Van Tol’s story of finding his “lost” socks! The 28 attendees include several guests, and Contest Coordinator Joe Bushey made sure to express special recognition and Club gratitude to Jane Wensko (Swartz Creek teacher and “Friend of Optimism”) and the judges – Dave Crabill, Pete Venos, and Michael J. Thorp – for their work and support. The next competition will be at the upcoming Regional Conference.
After the Pledge and Prayer, President Crys Reed sole the Crown to and eager Bill Hentgen for two dollars, and Bill wasted no time in trying to generate a return on his investment: he fined all those who did not attend the Junior League’s Cabaret and Cabernet wine-tasting event and everyone who has not attended a Cultural Center activity in the past two weeks. After a fine against him for “having egg on his shirt”, His HIghness quieted down. Peter Venos was able to pass a fine against anyone not present at, or judging, the Oratorical contest, and Joe Bushey paid a fine for thinking that his seat at the head table would exempt him from being a target. The $17 “50/50” pot went to John “J-Lo” Losinski.
Upcoming events include TriStar Games at Boys & Girls Club on April 11th, “Respect for Law” Day April 17th, Chicken Dinner Fundraiser at Masonic Temple on April 29th, and “3rdQ Conference” on May 11-12.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”