Detective Tom Zak spoke with us today from the Genesee County Sheriff’s Department about “Elder Abuse”. Club members were surprised to learn that 90% of elder abuse investigations have to do with “Fraud” (“IRS”, Nigerian prince”, “jailed grandchild” scams, etc.) and that of the remaining cases, many of the abuse/neglect issues are not prosecuted because they result from “role reversal”: dependent offspring still living in the aging parents’ home and having limited self-care skills are hapless when the former caregivers move into care recipient roles. Additional information from the speaker: (A) take, do not leave, your room keycard when you leave your hotel because the card is linked to your credit card for charging things to your room and you remain exposed; (B) do not leave your keys in your car at all, even for a short stop, because certain area locations (Speedway gas stations, especially) are people looking for transportation for a short trip home can find it your vehicle (as recent “Amber Alert” incident shows).
Even before President Peter Venos rang the meeting into formal existence, Dan Crannie agreed to lead in the Pledge of Allegiance and Jack Proffitt spoke a word of prayer. Steve Schlott, with his “banker” history, had already agreed to “hold” last week’s 50/50 winnings, having been pressed into service by Treasurer Bill Hentgen (who mistakenly believed Steve to be the winner). Ken Cullen bought the Crown for one dollar, then fined the entire Club for letting it go so cheaply. John Losinski and Jeff Dennings paid for late arrivals, Speaker Chair Joe Bushey was fined for sitting at the head table without an invitation, and President Pete was fined for losing control of the meeting. Bill Hentgen fined anyone who did not go down with, or for, “The Titanic”, and Mic Goulet won the “50/50” pot of contributions from the 18 members present subjected to Dan Crannie’s volunteer TailTwisting.
Dates to remember:
Today’s– Oratorical Contest
April 30– “Masonic Temple Chicken Dinner” Club Fundraiser (Bill to have tickets available next week)
Until next time,, “Promise Yourself…”