West Flint Optimist Newsletter – April 26, 2018


Cathy Blankenship, Vice President for Development and Communications (accompanied by Trina, her new Outreach Manager) came to breakfast this morning from the Food Bank of Eastern Michigan. The Food Bank’s task seems to present a tremendous logistical challenge, what with

  • partnerships with 415 agencies in 22 Michigan counties,
  • 7 retail stores who donate food,
  • management of 2 large warehouses,
  • a production kitchen in which 8-16 staff that generate thousands of meals daily,
  • 150 regular food drives, and
  • scheduling and coordination of 6800 volunteers working 80,000 hours on
  • a budget of nearly $12 M ($38 M when food is included).

Donations, grant-writing (65 at present), and management, maintenance, and movement of 29 semis keep the operation busy in their attempt to provide food to 331,000 people with only 2% expense for administrative costs. 6 lunches for $1 – talk about stretching your money!

President Crys Reed opened the meeting with the sun in his eyes this morning since the table location was rearranged, asking Peter Venos to open with the Pledge of Allegiance and Jack Proffitt to say grace. Jack fined Bill Reeves for arriving after his guest, Bill Hentgen paid for standing up and not saying anything, Jeff Dennings paid for being inattentive, and Ken Cullen fined “the northerly table” on behalf of King Phil Holmblade.

Bill Hentgen passed a sign-up sheet for those who plan to work the Masonic Temple Chicken Dinner on Sunday, Joe Bushey reported on the plans to have our youth representative at the next level of Oratorical competition, Kevin Wainwright obtained a new membership application, and Phil Holmblade again won the morning’s “50/50” drawing before Speaker Chair Bill Reeves introduced our guest speakers.

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…

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