Amy Krug spoke with us about the need for, changes is, and impact of Ele’s Place: a “Healing Place” for people (especially youth) struggling with grief, loss, and death issues. Focusing on ages 3-18 and operating in a “facilitated peer support” format, trained facilitators encourage communication and emotional processing among children who have lost parents, sibs, and friends, sometimes in an 8-week school-based program, and support is also available for adults who have lost children or partners. The Ele’s Place Motto is “No One Grieves Alone.” The program includes art and craft projects the encourage identification, expression, and sharing of troubling emotions in a safe and empathic settiing, but it is in the process of relocating its physical facilities: Having been on Holy Redeemer’s campus for a few years, it must now be housed elsewhere because the Church is taking down the building.
Sixteen members attended the meeting this morning to hear Amy and witness Judge Joe Farah’s “dressing down” for dressing up, for sycophantic schmoozing with President Crys Reed, and for arriving after his guest speaker. Mic Goulet was fined for not having his hearing aid turned up enough to hear the invocation, Kevin Wainwright paid a fine for failing to exhibit Optimism while selling 50/50 tickets, and John Losinski took the 50/50 pot.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”