West Flint Breakfast Optimist Club Newsletter – 6-8-17
Joe Tramble, State Director of FBU (FootBall University – (http://footballuniversity.org/) Youth Football, spoke with us today. He grew up in Westwood Heights and was on the University of Michigan team before he began working with Nike’s Elite Youth Basketball League. From there he moved to Adidas and Football, where he now plays mentor, developer, and matchmaker to get top young athletes (6th to 8th grades) to “exposure“ camps and events where there prowess can be transformed into college diplomas.
Prompt President Peter Venos opened the meeting at 7:30, asking Matt Mrasek to lead in the Pledge of Allegiance, requesting that Jack Proffitt speak the invocation, and auctioning the Crown to Bill Hentgen for $4. Bill made up for lost time and prevented fines for his golf-related absence last week while generating money from fines: against all whose photos did not grace the pages of the most recent My City magazine (http://www.mycitymag.com/), against anyone not noticing or complimenting his “Starry Night” shirt (https://www.google.com/culturalinstitute/beta/asset/-/bgEuwDxel93-Pg?hl=en), and against the Northerly Table “because…”. Patrick Naswell paid for being late, Jack Proffitt had a fine assessed against anyone not camping with Cub Scouts over the coming (hot, humid) weekend, John Losinski paid for his Hawaii “jet lag”, and Joe Farah paid for being later than J-Lo to join the meeting.
Phil Holmblade provided information and order forms for new Optimist attire, and Dave Crabill has set up a link (http://optimistsinaction.com/wfoc-shirts-hats/) so that we can submit an order by June 28th and have them for our CANUSA participation.
Jeff Dennings reported on the Hometown Days activities in Swartz Creek and the $126 raised by the Dragons Club students, thanking Patrick Naswell for his role in decorating the tent booth.
Joe Farah confirmed the final date set for the Club Picnic: set for July 30 at Jerry Rhoden’s place (directions to be coming, as well as sign-up sheet), members with last names beginning with A-L can plan to bring side dishes and those with M-Z will provide desserts.
Phil Homblade won the day’s “50/50” drawing for $12, making the other 20 attendees envious.
Greg Hillliker signed up again for the Great Cycle Challenge (fighting cancer in children – http://childrenscancerresearchfund.cmail20.com/t/r-l-yuujllul-kltjkydlyu-d/) and is extremely grateful for the support from Club member/sponsors: Thanks to Art Ridley, Steve Schloot, Matt Mrasek, Ron Ballard, Ken Cullen, Bill Hentgen, Dave Crabill, Jim Reigle, John Farah, Dan Crannie, John Losinski, Joe Farah, Phil Holmblade, and Mic Goulet for trying so hard to keep me on my bike!
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”