Before the fourteen members started discussing the $5,000 Raffle (the morning’s agenda), the Pledge, prayer, and fines filled the wait for. and consumption of, our breakfast. Ken Cullen passed a fine against Ron Ballard for failing to shake everyone’s hand. Bill Hentgen passed a fine against Jeff Dennings (who presided over the meeting in Crys Reed‘s absence) for failing to collect  fines or appoint a TailTwister who would. Steve Schlott fined Bill for his appearance in My City magazine alongside both of his friends, and was fined by Mic Goulet for falling short of the Optimist standard of being “just as enthusiastic about the success of others as you are about your own.” Ken fined John Losinski for “sneaking in” to the meeting and for having money on the table. Casually dressed Mic proposed a fine against Matt Mrasek for wearing a tie to the meeting but the rest of us protected Matt with our support, and Dan  Crannie did not have to pay a fine for failing to join the the “Blue Man Group”, but Phil Holmblade was able to get a fine passed (targeting Jeff) for forgetting to tuck in his shirt. Ken paid a “dumb fine” fine and John Losinski added another when Ken dove even further into the depths. “King” Phil was teased when the Crown nearly rested on his shoulders, and Art Ridley was fined for “playing with his phone”.

Tonight’s Board Meeting was confirmed, as was the date for the Widder Memorial Golf Outing, but most of the disccussion was about the “$5K Raffle”, with John Losinski leading the talk. License has been ordered and should be in hand soon, Jim Reigle will track tickets and money, the “cost per person” is likely to be higher for this year’s event but is considered to be manageable, sales prospects and recruitment of present and absent members for ticket sales were reviewed and will require a lot of enthusiastic participation.

Late addition: Our friend and Club member Floyd Olmsted has passed – information at We will miss this special fellow.

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”