For those of you that are avid readers of the newsletters, you may have noticed that Comments are now allowed. You may be asking Why now? or Why haven’t they always been available? The problem with opening up comments is quite typically you are leaving your website susceptible to spam. We are now using a Commenting system by a company Disqus. This will allow anyone to leave a comment as long as we know who the person is. Disqus requires you to login using your Facebook, Google or Twitter credentials. Once you are registered with Disqus, there is no need to register again, just start leaving comments! Call or text me with questions – my number is in the upper left corner of this website.
President-Elect Phil Holmblade opened the meeting this morning by asking our soon-to-be member Carol Dennings to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance. Jack Proffitt followed the pledge with the invocation. This morning’s fines were quite corrupted. Phil being both the King and the person determining the number of Yay’s and Nay’s led to quite the confusion on us ordinary member-folk.
We did not have a speaker since this is a holiday week. We did have a discussion about the $5000 Raffle. The license is complete, just need a check and a stamp. The venue will once again be Atlas Valley Country Club on October 26th. Everyone is wanting a good turnout on July 12th so we can further discuss what each of us can do to make the $5000 Raffle a success this year. This is our major fund-raising event for the year. In case that is not clear enough, This is how we HELP CHILDREN. WE hope to see you on July 12th.
There was some clammer amongst the ordinary member-folk when Phil asked Carol Dennings to lead us in the Optimist Creed to close the meeting. Several were wondering if there may be some type of favoritism going on.
Until Next Week ……
Promise yourself to make all your friends feel that there is something in them.