West Flint Optimist Newsletter –  7/27/17


Judge Joe Farah provided us again with Speaker Prof. Paul Rozycki to share with us some of the local political slant.  The single most important focus is the upcoming City of Flint August 8th primary, and the usual low turnout is expected even though there are two major issues to be voted on.

  • The first is the rewrite of the City’s Charter:

The original Charter was written in 1974 when the City’s population was around 200K and established the strong mayor format. This charter was rewritten in 2015 that increased the Council’s accountability.  It seems of late that the City’s Monday night meetings have become known as the evening comedy hour.  Now with the City’s population at one half or less of the 1974 figure the Charter has been rewritten again however is retains the strong Mayor format and the 9 wards with one council member per ward.  What some of the changes are is to 1) create a panel to define and enforce ethical behavior, 2) have clear statement of qualifications for employment, 3) shift the election for Mayor / Council to the same as for the Governor, 4) restructure of appointment by Mayor of Ombudsman and increase powers of ombudsman, 5) clarify responsibility of Mayor and Council and require Mayor to report to Council, 6) establish escrow of pay until responsibilities are completed, 7) create more affordable water and sewer fee structure, and 8) require voter approval for changes of City assets. Needless to say there has been some backlash from some Council members who are not in favor of the changes, and

  • the second issue is the City Council election. Six of the nine wards representatives are up for election.

Rozycki also addressed the State-wide election, where the Governor’s contest is beginning to get some momentum.  Snyder is one of the least liked governors in the country and will not be able to run again. Possible candidates include Schuette, Kelley, Wittmer, Kildee, Gresmer (so far!).  There is also a possible move to make the legislature officially a part-time positon since it is not a full-time position currently.

When asked to lead in this morning’s Pledge of Allegiance, Phil Holmblade cooperated but was later fined for starting it with the word “Certainly.” Jack Proffitt offered prayer, but John Losinski still bought the auctioned Crown for $2, so he paid no fines, although Jeff Dennings paid for “pretending to be a Red Wings player” and Phil Holmblade paid “for wearing Prince George shorts”. (Was this morning’s fine focus on fund-raising or fashion?) Guests Scott Triplett and Bill Reaves (brought by Dan Crannie and Phil Holmblade, respectively) witnessed the frivolities before Judge Joe Farah introduced the guest speaker for the day and Patrick Naswell closed with the Creed recitation.


UPCOMING EVENTS: Picnic, CANUSA, Lugnuts game

Whaley’s Optiimist House – Our Club bought a new washer and Thomas Appliance donated a dryer.

Hat and shirt orders will be available at the next meeting.

Special Thanks to Phil Holmblade for this week’s newsletter notes!

Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”