President Crys Reed announced that a number of people would be leaving early, so the flow of the meeting would be altered: after callling on Greg Hilliker to lead in the Pledge and Jack Proffitt to say grace, he began a series of announcements:
- Jim Reigle reports that 50 tickets for the $5K Raffle remain unassigned and available for sale,
- A table for the Optimists has been reserved for the Whaley Golf dinner event on the 27th and attendees gave commitments and were asked to wear their Optimist garb and be on their best behavior,
- Joe Farah did a great job of acquiring and preparing the steak’s for the most recent Steak Cookout/Board Meeting, augmented by an impressive tour of Dan Crannie‘s facilities and operation,
- The Board decided to donate money for school supplies for Family Day at The Bridge, coming up on September 9, with opportunities for volunteer distributors,
- Boys and Girls Club will receive team jerseys, compliments of ( and with corresponding logo identifying) West Flint Optimists,
- CANUSA Feedbag operation cost approximately $300 less than anticipated, freeing up that money for additional scholarship support to the student athletes,
- September 8 will be the date for a Club breakfast (at Olympic Grille) and then a “photo op” with our favorite Optimist-sponsored dinosaur,
- Ellen Venos (Peter’s wife) has had emergency surgery and is resting at home, but she continues her good spirits and humor despite ongoing health issues, and a card was circulated for Club signatures and expressions of support,
- September 25 will be our Installation Banquet for Phil Holmblade’s Presidency, set up to be at Ruggero’s,
- Votes were submitted for “Optimist of the Year“,
- Bill Hentgen announced the Cultural Center schedules for the next season,
- Mic Goulet announced our support, in finances and participation, in the upcoming Walt Widder Memorial Golf Outing, and
- opportunities and options for upcoming speakers were discussed.
Before Phil Holmblade won the $21 pot from today’s “50/50” drawing, fines flew in abundance – for early departures by Prez Crys, Judge Joe, and others; for Greg Hilliker‘s “old curtain” or “Hawaiian beach wish” shirt; for Mic Goulet‘s tie; for Carol Denning‘s shirt buttons (and father Jeff Denning’s neglect); for Pete Venos‘s demented ramblings, TailTwister (Jack Medemar) harrassment, and technolapses; and for “King” Jeff‘s mistreatment of the Crown (attempted by Bill Hentgen).
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…“