President Crys Reed called the meeting this morning’s meeting to order, asked Ken Cullen to lead in the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance and Jack Proffitt to pray for a good breakfast and direction for the day, then opened the meeting. We have our Optimist name badges back, so now I know who I am again! (Unfortunately, I paid “King” Jeff Dennings’ fine for not wearing my badge and that is how I learned that they were returned.) Steve Schlott announced that long-term member George Kitchen had brought some photos from the time when he was Lt. Governor and passed them around for the 19 in attendance could remember what George and Steve looked like as teenagers.
Bill Hentgen announced various Cultural Center-related events, with emphasis on this weekend’s breakfast at Leo’s (the old Olympic Grille) at Court and a “Meet-and-Greet” to follow with our adopted Stegosaurus (see photo). Judge Joe Farah reviewed the Whaley Golf Outing that several Club members attended. Jim Reigle fled the country to avoid addressing the unsold “$5K Raffle” tickets (not really – he’s being a good grandpa in Brazil). Jack reminded members of the Family Day activities this Sunday at the Bridge & invited members to help out with distribution of school supplies that we helped provide. Next week’s Walt Widder Memorial Golf event has ten hol sponsors and
four teams from the Club. The Swartz Creek service group that the Club has aligned itself with in the past few years has a meeting on September 11 (speak to Jeff for details). Our Installation Banquet is set for September 25 at Ruggero’s. Concern for the health status of Club members and family members were shared and continue to be a focus of our prayers and support. Several members offered ideas and suggestions in response to a request for speakers to add to be scheduled.
Some of the “fine” fines today: Phil Holmblade fined Carol Dennings for leaving early, Jack Proffitt paid a fine for “butchering” the name of our newest member (transfer) Tauzzari Robinson, “King” Jeff fined his daughter for failing to wear her Optimist pin, the Northerly Table paid for “failure to teach” Carol (the King being untouchable), and Kevin Wainwright was fined “just because” we did not want him to feel left out.
Until next time, “Promise Yourself…”