Our distinguished guest this morning was Jack Stock representing Kettering University. I hope Jack doesn’t mind me stealing his bio. He has demonstrated a history of working in the higher education industry. He is skilled in Nonprofit Organizations, Coaching, Event Management, Team Building, and Media Relations. Jack is a strong community and social services professional with a BA from The University of Michigan (Go Blue!). His community activities include Board of Directors for Uptown Reinvestment Corporation, Flint Children’s Museum, Metro Community Development Corporation, Flint River Watershed Coalition, The University Avenue Corridor Coalition and Mott Park Recreation Association. Member of Rotary International. Let’s not hold the Rotary thing against him because he is such a great guy.
It has been well over a year since our club has been updated by Jack on all the great stuff taking place along the University Corridor. We got to hear about the upcoming ribbon cutting ceremony for the new robotic vehicle testing facility. The facility is a source of income to the university and already has international companies like Nexteer and Continental involved. Mott Park Golf Course is looking to once again engage the community. It now has a Disc-Golf Course that is packed on a regular basis. For you older members, disc is the real name for a Frisbee. The park is also slated to open a kayak launch. And Jack tells Crys that it is perfectly fine to eat the small mouth bass that he and his wife catch on the bridges in the park. Jack provided updates and other various happenings about individual properties along the corridor. We all expressed our deepest gratitude to Jack and Kettering University for the great work they have done in breathing new life back into our city and our community.
President-Elect Phil Holmblade opened the meeting promptly at 7:30 am and asked Bill Hentgen to lead us in the pledge followed with an invocation by Lieutenant Governor-Elect Jack Proffitt. Crys showed up and took over leading the meeting just in time to open fines. The abuse by our new King, Jeff Dennings, was horrific to say the least. Nobody escaped his wrath. Steve Schlott presented two updates. He let us know that there was a total of $650 donated to the club on behalf of Floyd Olmsted. He sent cards out to all that donated money and one to Floyd’s family. The other update was about the CANUSA Games Operation Feedbag. There is still time to sign up for the trip to Port Huron this coming Sunday. Jack Proffitt told us that his Lt Governor Training this past weekend was good and that he has big plans for our Zone this coming year. The Michigan District Annual Convention is coming up August 24-26 at Soaring Eagle. RSVP ASAP. We need speakers so check the calendar on this website for open dates and let us know.
The annual Steak Dinner Board Meeting will be held next Thursday starting at 6:00 pm at the national headquarters of Signs by Crannie. Dan Crannie and Joe Farah need you to RSVP so they can get a the appropriate amount of food. By food, I mean delicious steaks. Also coming up in 2 weeks from today, August 23rd, will be the voting for Optimist of the Year. Be sure to be at breakfast that morning to ensure your choice for this distinguished honor gets your vote. This year we are also planning on a combined Zone 9 Installation Banquet, so details will be forthcoming.
There is a comment section below where you can add anything that I may have forgotten. Replacing Greg Hilliker is not the easiest thing to do. He does such a great job on the newsletters.
Until next week, Promise yourself …..