Downtown Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 7/28/15
I was late to our meeting today, but it is clear team Murphy has our celebration on track. See you tomorrow at 6 pm. Thank you! Mike Buckel
West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 7/23/15
Linda Campbell is the “power behind the throne” at Old Newsboys and came to speak with us this morning. After recounting her personal family history, she told us of going to college with an Optimist Club scholarship that we gave her. (This may be one of the few times...
Downtown Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 7/21/15
Joe and Amber brought us our quest speaker today, Marquise Gray who is the new program director at the Boys and Girls Club. Marquise is a former MSU basketball star who played 8 years overseas. He shared his hopes to help Flint and his experiences traveling the...

West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 7/16/15
Meeting Notes Emily Leonard came to us from Boys & Girls Clubs of Flint to update us on their summer and after-school programs for the youth of our community. Attendance for the 7- to 17-year-olds averages between 250 and 260, with a capacity for 300. Membership...

Downtown Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 7/14/15
Joe brought us one of his employees today as our speaker. Ion who runs his McLaren security crew spoke to us about his “hobby” as a thespian. Ion is part of the Kearsley Park Players. He shared how his group provides free theater shows for group like our Boy’s and...

West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 7/9/15
Meeting Notes Kayla Bright (Kayla Trundle; newly married, she hasn’t yet changed her name on her driver’s license) spoke to our Club this morning about her Special Education efforts through Swartz Creek Schools. Jeff Dennings, sitting in for Speaker Chair Floyd...

Downtown Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 7/7/15
We had a good turn out and Jon worked with the club to stream line the food ordering process so we were done at 1:30. Great work Jon. The fines were flying today. Chuck, Carol, Joe, Dean, Tauzzari and Enosh all paid up. Murphy is hard at work on our 80th anniversary...

West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 7/2/15
Meeting Notes Phil Holmblade was our speaker this morning. It was a very informative presentation about Civil War Reenactments. Civil War time period is defined as beginning in 1860 and ending in 1865. South Carolina seceded from the Union on December 20, 1860 and in...

Grand Blanc Optimist Club Newsletter – 7/1/15
Breakfast Meeting Notes: Lt. Gov Mike Murphy inducted our 2 new members: Diane Minnich and Shelly Francisco (Woohoo!) There will be NO BOARD MEETING THIS MONTH GB Farmer's Market / Backpack for Kids Drive Booth - Sunday, August 2nd - Diane and Jane have volunteered to...

Downtown Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 6/30/15
Scott extended his streak of great speakers, today bringing us Andrew Younger from the Crim Fitness Foundation. Andrew filled us in on all the things about the Crim. Carol and Jon are putting together a team to walk the Crim. Reminder we have our bike give away on...