West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 10/23/14

Walt Witter led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning.  Greg Hilliker provided the opening prayer. Fines were opened by Prez Jack and the crown auctioned off, as our King Matt was not in attendance.  Ken Cullen won the bid for the crown which gave him amenity...

West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 10/16/14

Jeff Dennings led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning.  Greg Hilliker provided the opening prayer. Fines were opened by Prez Jack and the crown auctioned off, as our King Matt was not in attendance.  Phil Holmblade outbid Dave Crabill for the crown which gave...

West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 10/9/14

Mick Goulet led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning. It was followed by a prayer by Greg Hilliker. Fines were opened by Prez Jack with the usual barrage and efficient follow-up by our tail twister Jack Medemar to see that all monies are collected. Guest this...

West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 10/2/14

John Losinski led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning. It was followed by a prayer by Steve Bentley. Fines were opened and they we rampant against Past-President Greg due to his exemption from being President the past year. Almost every fine proposed was to be...

West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 9/25/14

Jim Riegle led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning. It was followed by a prayer by Lynn Eastman. Fines were opened and there was no escaping the abuse of fines from Lynn Eastman who out-bid everyone for the crown in Matt Mrasek’s absence. The best fine...

West Flint Optimist Club Newsletter – 9/18/14

Ken Cullen II led us in the Pledge of Allegiance this morning. It was followed by a prayer by Ken Cullen. Fines were opened and there was no escaping the abuse of fines from the ex-king, John Losinski who out-bid everyone for the crownin Matt Mrasek’s absence....