West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 5/16/19
Susana Wight, Vice President for Sales and Marketing of the Flint City Bucks, came to speak this morning of the new high=caliber soccer ("football") team in town Brought here by the the former President of the Firebirds hockey team, the Bucks played their first game...

West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 5/9/19
Bill Reaves is Speaker Chair this month and announced that Pastor Dave (from Bill's church) is unable to speak, so Bill himself took over the speaker role and told us about "Via de Christo", a group that focuses on faith, fellowship, and service and has various forms...

West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 2/21/19
Sheila Gafney is a long-time friend of our Club (the annual Charlie Gafney award is named after her father, long member of this Club) and came to us today to speak about Special Olympics, focus of one of our group's longstanding recurrent activities and donations....

West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 2/14/19
Brandee Cooke, Project Manager at "100K IDEAS" working out of the Ferris Wheel in downtown Flint, told us about this exciting new addition to Flint's business scene. (She was accompanied by Vivian, Youth Engagement Coordinator for "100K".) This student-led operation...
West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 2/7/19
Andy Younger, Race Director for the Crim Fitness Foundation, came to speak with us this morning, recounting the 22 year history of the Race and its evolution. From 750 original racers, the events have grown to include many thousands of participants and spectators and...

West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 1/31/19
Fourteen of us hardy (or foolhardy, on this bitterly cold day) folks gathered today to meet Jennifer Acree, Program Officer for the C. S. Mott Foundation, and hear her describe the organization's philanthropic mission and impact. Started in 1926 by this 3-time...

West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 1/24/19
Chris Javor from HAP (https://www.hap.org/) spoke with our 18 attendees this morning, hoping to give some of us older folks information and understanding about Medicare, Medicaid, "Advantage" and other supplemental insurance options available in this area. He noted...

West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 1/17/19
Todd Slisher, Executive Director of Sloan*Longway (http://sloanlongway.org/longway-planetarium/ ), brought visual aids to the meeting this morning and wowed the crowd (really only 17 present) with his displays depicting the intended changes for the Cultural Center...

West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 1/3/19
Happy New Year to all of our members and friends! President Phil Holmblade rang the bell to open the first meeting of the calendar year, asked Ron Ballard to lead the Pledge to the American flag, and invited Jack Proffitt to pray for the new year and breakfast. The...

West Flint Optimist Newsletter – 12/13/18
A relatively small group of 15 gathered today as President Phil Holmblade opened the meeting with the standard "Pledge, Prayer, Bell" sequence before quickly reviewing this past Tuesday's Board Meeting. He noted that Atlas Valley has closed and we will have to...