“Our Airstream Adventure”, given by our own Steve Schlott (with visual aids and props!), was the interesting (and at times very humorous) morning presentation to the 15 members present. Rather than being a recounting of “How I spent my summer...
Final preparation for the 32nd Annual $5,000 Raffle and Dinner this evening at Atlas Valley Country Club provided the primary focus for the 19 members in attendance at today’s meeting. John “J-Lo” Losinski verified the availability and assignments of...
Officer Ken Szmanski, from Metro Police Authority, spoke today about his work as School Resource Officer in Swartz Creek Schools. This is where he met our Club’s Speaker Chair, Carol Dennings, while giving away bicycles, intervening in behavioral issues in...
Newly installed President Phil Holmblade stepped into his role with a smile on his face – whether it was his newfound power or his birthday celebration is unclear, but he seemed to relish this day. He thanked the outgoing officers for their service and asked...
Speaker Chair Steve Schlott introduced our return guest speaker, Jamie Gaskin, from United Way and a former neighbor of Steve’s. Jamie reviewed his personal and career histories, noting that he has “lived in crisis” in the past few years: a divorce...
Shirley Cochran returned to our Club as speaker for the day, proud of the new sign that identifies Motherly Intercession, her 19-year-old non-profit service organization that now has 2 vans for assisting in visitation between children and their incarcerated parents,...